“Colour” in the Bible


Literary studies of the Bible/s have not yet fully addressed the presence of “colour.” Colours plays a significant role in created realities. The chromatic spectrum enriches the contemplation of the world, while providing essential information about, for instance, the season, health or disease, people’s spirit, and people’s social rank. Furthermore, at times, it acquires and communicates symbolic meanings. In addition, “colour” plays important roles in visual reception history of biblical texts.

The goals of this workshop include:

  •  studying particular nouns and adjectives associated with colour that appear in the MT, LXX and NT including a study of their function in the text, whether they bear a symbolic meaning and general matters of semantics and pragmatics.

  • studying in a similar fashion terms such as blood, sky, fire, precious gems that either denote or connote colour.

  • exploring the relationship between expressions of colour in biblical texts and artistic representations of biblical stories or characters found in illustrated or in miniature Bibles.


Lourdes García Ureña, University CEU-San Pablo


Vienna 2014

We welcome papers that explore the use, function or any semantic or pragmatic aspect of terms that denote or connote “colour” in the MT, LXX and NT or advance a comparative study of “colour” in biblical texts and their visual representations in illustrated or miniature Bibles.