Second Temple Sapiential and Apocalyptic Writings


This is a forum for participants to explore particular themes from year to year, and to produce volumes in and around subjects such as: text-critical studies (such as Ben Sira, 4 Ezra, 1 Enoch, T12P, Joseph and Aseneth, Tobit); the nature of the human being in Sapiential and Apocalyptic Literature; the socio-religious context; mediary figures; sapiential and apocalyptic traditions taken up among the rabbis (Tannaim, Amoraim, Targumim, Hekhalot), patristic writers (e.g. Ep. Barnabas, Tertullian, Clement of Alexander, Origen, Aphrahat, Augustine, Theodore of Mopsuestia, etc.); and the impact and relation of perspectives in this literature on early Christian thought.


Prof. Loren Stuckenbruck


Thessolonika 2011