The Relation Between Luke’s and John’s Gospel


The possible relation between Luke’s and John’s gospel has been an issue of academic debate since the beginning of the 20th century. The New Testament scholars’ attention has been attracted by the verbal and narrative overlapping between the two gospels. Those who accepted the existence of such similarities tried to explain them by suggesting the existence of a shared oral tradition or a literary dependence of the fourth to the third gospel or vice versa. The workshop will re-address this issue and will attempt to offer new insights by approaching the question from various different perspectives, such as the literary and redaction history of the two gospels, common theological themes, tradition transmission procedures, orality, narrative criticism, intertextuality etc.


Christos Karakolis, Athens

Predrag Dragutinovic, Belgrade

Ekaterini Tsalampouni, Thessaloniki 


Vienna 2014

Papers which will address the question of the possible connection of the two gospels and suggest new ways of dealing with it are welcome.