Bible Translation Workshop


This workshop focuses on issues of Bible translation. Since the Bible has been the most frequently translated book through the ages, the history of its translation and the theoretical and historical background of these endeavors create a fascinating field of research. The workshop proposes an investigation of the field based not only on a historical overview of the epistemological approach to Bible translation, but also an investigation based on interdisciplinary approaches: biblical studies, linguistics, translation studies, literary criticism, social and cultural studies. Our main interest is not only to identify but to address issues that pertain to the field of Bible translation within its historical, social, ideological and cultural context.


Bible, Translation, Sacred Text, Authority, Methodology, Hermeneutics, Interpretation


Paraskevi Arapoglou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Simon Crisp Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship, American Bible Society
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Warsaw 2019 Call for Papers 

Sacred Text Translation and Authority

The Bible Translation Workshop invites scholars from the fields of both biblical and translation studies to submit their abstracts for this year’s meeting in Warsaw. Within the context of the ongoing critical discussion of Bible Translation we welcome papers focused on various interdisciplinary approaches drawing from the fields of biblical studies, translation, and linguistics. The theme of this year’s workshop is Sacred Text Translation and Authority. We wish to examine various aspects of this multiform issue, concentrating on how translations acquire their authority for their communities of users, and what this means for the way in which they are perceived. Some of the questions the workshop aims to address are the following: Are the choices translators make based on the authority of the text? How is the authority of the source text or the translated one understood by those involved in the translation process? What is the role of the interpretative communities and how does this affect the translation process? What are the main aspects to be taken into consideration in order for a translation to become authoritative?

By engaging in a fruitful dialogue, the Workshop aims at providing a framework in which new insights may be presented and seeks to provoke further critical discussion.
Abstracts of not more than 300 words, including a reference to their theoretical basis, should be submitted through the 2019 Meeting’s platform.