Call for Workshop Papers with a Special Invitation to Doctoral Students

variable-geometry Bible?
Deuterocanonical Literature: History, Influence, Challenges
Which Bible are we talking about? The Christian churches do not all recognize the same canon. We need to look at the constitution of the canon, or rather the different canons, of the Christian churches throughout history. This conference will also deal with the historical and theological consequences of the presence of the Deuterocanonical books in the canons of the Christian churches.
The ACFEB (Association Catholique Française pour l'Étude de la Bible)'s 2024 congress will tackle these topics through plenary lectures by Konrad Schmid, Antonella Bellanutono, Frédérique Rey, Jean-Daniel Macchi, Christian Cannuyer, Isabelle Lemelin, Luca Mazzinghi, Catherine Vialle, and Benoît de Baenst. Workshop sessions will provide an opportunity to discover or explore the content of the deuterocanonical books in different traditions.

There will also be time for doctoral students to share the fruits of their biblical research, not necessarily related to the Deuterocanonical literature.